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- (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) -- Page #11
- [7th edition]
- Compiled by 'The Group' -- Edited by 'Branton'
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- continued from Page 10 ........................
- The Serpent Beings or the Nagas are said to possess many different kinds of
- machines including aerial craft. According to 'Sharula' (or Bonnie), the
- Aghartian Federation of humans utilizes their own space fleet (known as the
- 'Silver Fleet'); they assisted in the construction of Telos itself -- or
- rather the extension of the underground metropolis from the already
- existing natural caverns below Mt. Shasta; and are allegedly allied to at
- least 100 human- occupied underground cities throughout the world, many of
- them in conflict with the reptilian 'Draco' species and their 'Gray'
- collaborators.
- Sherman A. Minton Jr., a respected Reptilian and Amphibian biologist, in
- his book 'VENOMOUS REPTILES' (Charles Ceaibrer Sons, N.Y. 1969) quotes from
- some ancient Hindu legends describing the Nagas or the serpent race. These
- legends state that this demon-race has the ability to inflict almost
- instantaneous death upon a person through utilizing a cosmic 'fire' force
- (possibly electromagnetic energy). Minton also states the fact that the
- ancestors of modern-day 'snakes' once possessed limbs which became
- atrophied through non-use over the ages; that there are lizards with
- elongated snake-like bodies, a type of 'missing-link' between the
- saurians-lizards-and-snakes; and that nearly all reptiles with "well
- developed" limbs live underground! He also refers to legends which state
- that some Nagas were present at the birth of Guatama Siddharta (Buddha),
- and others which allege that a major book on YOGA was channeled at a 'well'
- which is believed to be an entrance to the underworld of the Naga's,
- located in Benares, India.
- NOT ALL subterran societies are of the insidious, reptilian or
- reptilian-controlled variety, as further evidence of this we add the
- following revelations from 'Commander X', the mysterious anonymous U.S.
- Intelligence official who has revealed much about 'inside' government
- knowledge of alien civilization both beyond and beneath the earth. He is
- the author of the book 'UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES', published by Tim
- Beckley's UFO REVIEW/Abelard Press, N.Y. Mr. 'X' was apparently very
- familiar with the Subterranean-world controversies that surrounded early
- issues of AMAZING STORIES magazine (circa 1940-1945) and 'related'
- publications in the early years when the science of Ufology was first
- beginning to emerge. This may explain his present position in U.S.
- Intelligence, and the sensitive knowledge that he has access to. He reveals
- the following paraspeleological events which reportedly took place in South
- America:
- "..Of all the countries on the face of the Earth, none is more mysterious,
- or less explored, than is Brazil. Miles upon miles of this country have
- never been set foot upon by white man. In these areas live whole tribes of
- savage Indians whose civilizations are said to be akin to those existing at
- the time of the Stone Age. Many of those who have dared venturing into
- these pockets of unexplored jungle have never come out. Perhaps the case of
- Colonel Fawcett will be familiar to readers as an example of what I mean.
- He supposedly was captured by a tribe of wild Indians while in search of a
- 'hidden city' said to be located in the confines of the dense jungle...
- "Before his death, Dr. (Raymond) Bernard had sent this writer many personal
- letters regarding his findings related to...under- ground civilization(s).
- We quote from these communications in the following:
- "'I arrived in Brazil in 1956 and have been carrying on my
- research since I met a Theosophical leader who told me about the
- subterranean cities...that exist in Brazil. He referred to
- Professor Henrique de Souza, president of the Brazilian
- Theosophical Society, at Sao Lourenco in the state of Minas
- Gerais, who erected a temple dedicated to Agharta, which is the
- Buddhist name of the subterranean World. Here in Brazil live
- Theosophists from all parts of the world, all of whom believe in
- the existence of the subterranean cities.
- "'Professor de Souza told me that the great English explorer
- Colonel Fawcett is still alive, living in a subterranean city in
- the Roncador Mountains of Matto Grosso, where he found the
- subterranean city of Atlanteans for which he searched, but is
- held prisoner lest he reveal the secret of his whereabouts (Note:
- Bernard refers to the inhabitants of this city as 'Atlanteans',
- when in fact other accounts suggest that -- like the underground
- cities below the east coast of North America -- many of these
- cavern cities were originally CONSTRUCTED by an ancient
- antediluvian race. This race might have been very similar or even
- akin to the lost race spoken of in the 'Atlantis' legendary,
- whose abandoned caverns were later re-inhabited after the flood.
- In 'this' sense the inhabitants might be referred to as
- 'Atlanteans', although the present dwellers of such underground
- communities probably do not have any direct 'genetic' ties to the
- antediluvian 'Atlanteans'. - Branton).
- "'He (Col. Fawcett) was not killed by Indians as is commonly
- believed. Professor de Souza claimed he has visited subterranean
- cities, including Shamballah, the world capital of the
- subterranean empire of Agharta. I then went to Matto Grosso to
- find the subterranean city where Fawcett is claimed to be living
- with his son Jack, but failed to do so. I then returned to
- Joinville in the state of Santa Catarina, and there continued my
- research.
- "'Just recently two explorers returned from entering a tunnel
- near Ponte Grosse in the state of Parana. One of them had
- recently entered alone and spent five days in the underworld city
- there. It had about 50 inhabitants plus children. The fruit
- orchards were recently planted, and the inhabitants received
- fruit from another subterranean city. During the last visit, the
- two explorers were met at the entrance of the tunnel by a
- guardian and the chief of the city, who told them that they
- should return in two years when the fruit trees will start to
- bear, but cannot enter now.
- "'The same two explorers entered a tunnel in Rincon, state of
- Parana, and finally came to a chimney-like structure with four
- chains hanging down. They descended on the chains but when they
- came near the bottom a gas with a chemical odor started to come
- up and forced them to ascend. Obviously the subterranean dwellers
- tried to keep them from reaching the city (This seems often to be
- the case - Commander X).
- "'Our explorer J.D. (name on file - Commander X), who is a
- mountain guide of the Mystery Mountain near Joinville (where
- there is supposed to be an entrance), said that several times he
- saw a luminous flying saucer ascend from the tunnel opening that
- leads to a subterranean city inside the mountain, in which he
- heard the beautiful choral singing of men and women, and also
- heard the 'canto galo' (rooster crowing), a universal symbol
- indicating the existence of subterranean cities in Brazil. He
- said that the saucer was so luminous that it lit up the night sky
- and converted it into daylight. On one occasion he met a group of
- subterranean men outside the tunnel. They were short, stocky,
- with reddish beards and long hair, and very muscular. When he
- tried to approach them, they vanished. Often he saw strange
- illuminations in this area at night which were probably produced
- by flying saucers (We use the name 'Mystery Mountain,' rather
- than reveal the true name of the mountain, so that unwanted
- outsiders will not come here to locate it). Throughout my many
- years of research I have accumulated a vast amount of data which
- would indicate that these entrances to subterranean cities abound
- throughout the region.
- "'An elderly man living in Joinville once told me that he had
- visited a tunnel near Concepiao in the state of Sao Paulo, and
- saw in the distance a marvelous subterranean city with vehicles
- darting back and forth, evidently traveling through tunnels from
- one subterranean city to another.
- "'Although the following report requires confirmation, it was
- told to me by an explorer named N.C. who said that he had visited
- a tunnel near Rio Casdor and had met a beautiful young woman
- appearing to be about 20 years of age. She spoke to him in
- Portuguese and SAID that she was 2,500 years old. He also met a
- bearded subterranean man.
- (Note: Often humans encountered in aerial disks or subterranean
- caverns declare that they possess remarkable longevity when
- compared with the longevity of surface humans. On the outset this
- might sound next to impossible, unless a revolutionary scientific
- breakthrough on the part of these human 'aliens' has allowed them
- to retard the aging process to an extreme degree. Or, could the
- possibly that they are separated from the degenerating
- radioactive contamination and solar rays prevalent on the surface
- explain their greater alleged longevity? Another possibility
- would be that through bionics or biological transplants and
- prosthetics, etc., the lifespan of human beings [possessing
- advanced biological and technological sciences] might
- theoretically be dramatically increased. Incidentally, the writer
- and traveler Robert Stacy-Judd described in some of his books an
- exploration he and others had made of the peripheral areas of the
- Loltun cave system of Yucatan. Legend says that at least one
- group of people, fleeing persecution, entered en masse into the
- massive Loltun caves and were never seen again. Stacy- Judd tells
- of his own encounter with a 'cave hermit' deep in the cavern
- chambers who claimed to be well over 1000 years old. This unusual
- man said that he was a guardian of the cave and of the ancient
- treasures -- and city? -- which lay deep below in the unknown
- depths, 'unknown' that is, except to the strange 'hermit'. This
- unusual man had emerged from the inner DEPTHS of the cave when
- they first encountered him. Aside from photographs of this
- 'hermit' which appeared in some of his works, the author also
- revealed photographs of 'underground gardens' consisting of areas
- of the cave which contain small patches of 'jungle', small cave
- oasis' watered and lit through parts of the cavern ceilings which
- had collapsed in ages past, exposing them to the elements of the
- outer world above. Whether such claims of longevity are real or
- whether the "subterranean" people were just playing with the
- minds of such explorers who encountered them, is uncertain -
- Branton).
- "'Still another explorer named D.O. visited this SAME tunnel near
- Gaspar, Santa Catarina, and behind a wonderful fruit orchard saw
- a subterranean woman with a child in her arms reading to it aloud
- from a huge book written in an unknown language... After she read
- each sentence the child repeated the same and in this way was
- taught how to read. All of these subterranean cities are
- illuminated by strange light...'"
- Raymond Bernard (whose actual name was 'Walter Seigmeister'), writing in
- the Oct. 1959 issue of SEARCH Magazine, p. 48, described yet another
- alleged encounter with a subterranean race. What are we to make of all
- these stories? Are we to assume that some of the individuals who told
- Bernard such accounts actually made them up, as some suggest, in order to
- receive the financial bonus or reward that Bernard was sometimes known to
- offer on documentable accounts of ancient tunnels? Or, are we to accept
- these accounts for just what their sources claimed them to be, reports of
- actual encounters with a subterranean world? Bernard stated the following:
- "...Last week my investigators returned and said they visited
- their city (i.e. the 'city' of a race of dwarf-humans whom
- Bernard referred to as the 'Niebelungs', who live in a
- subterranean region with it's own system of illumination -
- Branton) and are able to bring any of my American friends to
- visit it, but I require one condition: absolute secrecy, as I
- don't want governments to send armies into the tunnel to disturb
- these peaceful people.
- "To reach them requires a 3-day journey of about 40 miles through
- a tunnel. This entire distance is through a tunnel carefully
- lined with cut stone blocks below, above and on the sides. That
- was quite an engineering feat. I think the tunnel was made long
- to keep out curiosity seekers, and only the most determined will
- travel that distance.
- "Here is the report of my investigations: (They are two ranchers,
- father and son, who discovered the tunnel accidentally):
- "'We left our house 5 A.M. for the tunnel on top of a mountain
- and reached it 3 P.M. We were tired and camped near the entrance
- of the tunnel. For three days we proceeded through the tunnel. We
- told time by our watches, as we could not tell when it was day or
- night. We went to sleep at 10 P.M. and awoke at 3 A.M. and
- continued walking. By the third day the tunnel started to go
- downward by steps (Note: If the entrance was on 'top' of a
- mountain, we must assume that it sloped downward until it became
- too steep to continue without a stairway - Branton). It was built
- of stone blocks on all sides. By the night of the third day the
- tunnel suddenly opened into a great space covered with what
- appeared as a sky with a yellow light that made everything
- luminous, like daylight. We saw a city with many houses and saw
- many people in the distance. They were dwarfs with long white
- beards and long hair and we saw women and children, and heard
- them crying. The third member of our party got frightened so we
- had to return.'
- "These men found three such tunnels. They entered another for
- three days, but after hearing voices further in, got scared and
- returned. Now they are entering the third..."
- Previously, we have referred to the alleged inhabitants of a subterranean
- colony below Mt. Shasta in northern California, which is believed to be one
- of the largest, if not THE largest, subterranean community in North
- America, and which allegedly has ties with the Asian empire of 'Agharti'
- and several South American subterranean colonies, and possibly also the
- 'Havmu- suvs' of the Mojave and Death Valley region. The following are some
- excepts from an article written by William F. Hamilton (whose other
- publications can at this writing be obtained via 7327 Bothwell Rd., Reseda,
- CA 91335), who we have referred to in earlier writings. Bill Hamilton has
- been in Data Processing for 22 years and is now a Sr. Programmer-Analyst.
- He is a writer, investigator and researcher. He has been involved in UFO
- research and investigations since 1953. Bill is a past member of The
- Foundation for Research in Parapsychology, The Spacecraft Research
- Foundation, The World Federation of Science and Engineering, and MENSA, the
- high IQ society. He has been a member of Daniel Fry's Understanding, Inc.,
- and served on it's Board. He founded NEXUS and NEXUS NEWS, an info center
- for alternative energy and alternative life-styles. He also founded UFORUM,
- a monthly forum on the UFO phenomena. He is a UFO investigator with MUFON,
- an Associate Director of UFOCCI, and founder of UFORCES. Bill is the author
- of the following books: SPACE, TIME AND GRAVITY; CENTER OF THE VORTEX;
- ALIEN MAGIC; and COSMIC TOP SECRET. He has written numerous articles for
- publications such as 'Search,' 'Energy Unlimited,' 'New Age Science,' 'The
- New Atlantean Journal,' 'California UFO,' and 'UFO Universe'. The following
- article originally appeared in the 'New Atlantean Journal':
- "...I run across some fascinating people in the course of my investigations
- who tell me many unusual stories. While on the trail of reports of UFO base
- locations, I met a young, very pretty blonde girl with almond-shaped eyes
- and small perfect teeth, whose name is Bonnie. Bonnie has told me an
- incredible story and has related a volume of interesting information...
- Bonnie is sincere, cheerful, and rational and says she (was born) in 1951
- in a city called TELOS that was built inside an artificial dome-shaped
- cavern in the Earth a mile or so beneath Mt. Shasta, California.
- "Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father Ra(Mu), her sister Judy, her
- cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently
- to TELOS for rest and recuperation. Bonnie relates that her people use
- boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. These boring machines heat
- the rock to incandescence, then vitrify it, thus eliminating the need for
- beams and supports. A tube transit tunnel is used to connect the
- (underground) cities that exist in various subterranean regions in our
- hemisphere. The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic impulses up to
- speeds of 2500 mph. One tube connects with one of their cities in the Matto
- Grosso jungle of Brazil. (They) have developed space travel and some flying
- saucers come from their subterranean bases...
- "They grow food hydroponically under full-spectrum lights with their
- gardens attended by automatons. The food and resources of Telos are
- distributed in plenty to the million-and-a-half population that thrives on
- a no-money economy. Bonnie talks about history, of the Uighers, Naga-Mayas,
- and Quetzals, of which she is a descendant (Note: Many people have
- mistakenly identified the inhabitants of 'Telos' as being directly
- descended from the 'Lemurians', however Bonnie here seems to refute this by
- indicating that her ancestrage was other than this, possibly Meso-American
- and/or East-Indian? As in the case of the ancient 'antediluvian' cities of
- the eastern seaboard which were re-established after being abandoned by the
- lost 'Atlanteans'; the 'Lemurians', if they existed thousands of years ago,
- also seem to have been devastated in a world-wide cataclysm -- and their
- cities re- established by the Uighers, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals as well as
- scattered members of other societies. The antediluvian Atlanteans
- apparently built underground systems below the eastern seaboard of North
- and South America, whereas the MU- rians apparently had control of the
- underground systems beneath the western seaboard. Although some
- island-continents may have sunk following the deluge, most accounts
- describe the 'Atlanteans', etc., as being antediluvians. Being that the
- name 'Telos' is a Grecian word meaning 'uttermost, purpose', there is a
- suggestion of a 'possible' connection with the Grecian-like Hav-musuvs of
- the Panamint mountains of California - Branton).
- "I met Bonnie's cousin, Matox, who, like her, is a strict vegetarian and
- holds the same attitudes concerning the motives of government. They
- constantly guard against discovery or intrusion. Their advanced awareness
- and technology helps them remain vigilant...
- "Science Fiction? Bonnie is a real person. Many have met her. Is she
- perpetrating a hoax? For what motive? She does not seek publicity and I
- have a devil of a time getting her to meetings to talk with others, but she
- has done so. There has been little variation in her story and her answers
- in the past three years. She has given me excellent technical insight on
- the construction of a crystal- powered generator that extracts ambient
- energy... Bonnie's father, the Ra-Mu, is 300 years old and a member of the
- ruling council of Telos.
- "Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. All tube transit tunnels are
- protected and are designed to eject uninvited guests. Does Bonnie have the
- answers that we are looking for? I don't know... Bonnie says she would like
- to satisfy our need for proof and will work with me on a satisfactory
- answer to that problem, but she is unconcerned with whether people accept
- her or not. Bonnie is humorous and easy-going and well-poised, yet
- sometimes she becomes brooding and mysterious. She says her people are busy
- planning survival centers for refugees. One of these is to be near
- Prescott, Arizona..." (or, more exactly, below the Groom Creek area just
- south of Prescott, to be exact. Another 'survival center' for refugees of
- the world-wide cataclysms which the Telosians are convinced will devastate
- the surface of the earth in future years, is said to be below the general
- area of Jenny Lake, Wyoming, near the Tetons. The Tetons themselves have
- been the alleged home of a mysterious race, according to different sources,
- and extremely ancient stone 'buildings' or constructions have reportedly
- been seen high atop the treacherous spurs of the Teton mountain range -
- Branton).
- When Bill Hamilton asked 'Bonnie' to elaborate about the power-sources
- which her people utilize to propel the so-called "flying saucer" craft, she
- replied:
- "...A lot of it is crystals (i.e. crystal-induced
- electromagnetism? - Branton), particularly the atmospheric
- vehicles. The planet-to- planet vehicles are driven by an
- Ion-Mercury engine. Spaceships can reach speeds way beyond light.
- They can enter hyperspace -- you generate into the fourth
- dimension -- this is controlled by an on-board computer that
- takes you into and out of hyperspace. I know this is a
- simplification. When your on a ship going into hyperspace, you
- will hear this vibration, and a loud screaming sound when you
- enter, then you will hear nothing..."
- Bill concludes: "I have had many correlation's on this data and am
- researching it further toward a comprehensive theory of space travel..."
- Researcher Val Valerian refers to an incident which took place in 1988.
- This incident indicated that at that time Project Bluebook was still as
- active as ever. Valerian refers to a Sgt. Robert Williams (pseudonym for
- his protection) who was stationed in Honolulu from 1971-1973. 'Williams'
- was a photographer who worked for the Aerospace Audio Visual Service (AAVS)
- which is headquartered at Norton AFB, CA.
- In 1971 Williams was approached by PROJECT BLUEBOOK to work as a
- photographer, which he did until 1973. On July 10, 1973 Williams was given
- TDY orders and a Top Secret clearance, and was sent to Norton AFB and was
- briefed into a secret project involving the photographing of alien beings
- and craft. He was to work with a Ron Smith (also pseudonym). They were
- blindfolded and put into a limousine with blacked-out windows and were
- driven to their destination. Both felt the car descend and found themselves
- in an underground base. Williams noted the time on his watch, and that 45
- minutes had passed since the beginning of their journey.
- Both were briefed and led to a laboratory, where they found two 'aliens' in
- the process of being autopsied. Another alien was still alive, held
- elsewhere. The creatures were wearing blue uniforms, and they noticed six
- scientists and two MARINE guards. It was later determined that they had
- been taken to the 29 Palms Marine Base in S. California.
- They commenced to photograph the aliens. The bodies were black with green
- fluid/blood. During the time when Williams was photographing the live alien
- it terminated and at its death he felt 'something passing through him'. The
- scientists there, he noticed, had bland expressions on their faces 'like
- they weren't all there.' He was allowed to enter the disk which appeared
- outwardly to be a 35' diameter disk, although inside it was almost as large
- as a football field, indicating some type of space-warping technology.
- After this, they were driven back to Norton AFB and then returned to
- Honolulu. The men noticed that no one would speak to them, even their
- wives. 'Smith' later disappeared and was never heard from again by
- Williams, who (as of the early 1990's) now works in Nevada.
- Valerian stated that records show a disk did crash in NW Arizona and was
- recovered on July 10, 1973, the same day that Williams' and Smiths' Top
- Secret orders came through.
- Aside from this, 'Williams' stated that since the age of 3 he had
- experienced 'abductions' by human-like beings, during which he was often
- taken to a place with large white building that were LARGER WITHIN THAN
- THEY WERE ON THE OUTSIDE, each containing 600 family units. During these
- episodes he was befriended by a human girl close to his age named Karin,
- and this friendship lasted to later years. Through hypnotic regression,
- Williams recalled that during the drive to 29 Palms they (car and all?)
- were transported onto a starship, where he met the ships captain -- none
- other than Karin herself. They were later dropped off just outside of 29
- Palms and the memory of the episode was removed.
- Actually, several contactees say that it is not so much a removal of
- "memory" as it is a transition into an altered state of consciousness and
- an alternate personality which has been conditioned to relate to the
- aliens, whether humans or grays. Since an alternate personality [psychosis]
- is involved and not the 'conscious' mind, the conscious mind itself has no
- memory of the events. Williams also stated that Karin's people have
- developed time travel (Note: There are various accounts suggesting that it
- is possible to travel through time without violating the laws of paradox.
- In short, one cannot change the past, simply because the past has already
- been changed -- or rather SET through the intervention of past, present and
- future influences. It is suggested that the earth is in a universal
- causality loop and that there was a point where "time" began on earth or in
- the universe and there is a point when time will end, is ending or has
- ended -- depending on ones perspective. This is not to say that everything
- is SET, because it is not. We have the power to ESTABLISH our collective
- reality by choices we make in the NOW, whether that NOW exists in the past,
- the present or the future. In a way that is difficult for finite minds to
- understand, events of the past help to set the present and future, events
- of the present help to set the past and future, and events of the future
- help to set the past and the present. So in reality, one cannot 'change'
- the past, present or future, but they can take part in establishing it.
- According to individuals involved with the Philadelphia and Montauk
- projects, a human soul is attached to the universal causality sphere or the
- "time" sequence at the point of conception -- not birth. They are attached
- to the time sequence by what Nikola Tesla called a "zero-time reference"
- that is integrated into the human soul itself. Upon the point of physical
- death, the soul leaves the timeline and enters what we faintly perceive as
- "eternity").
- In relation to Williams' experiences, and his descriptions of advanced
- civilizations, UFO's and 29 Palms, Valerian states:
- "...Investigations of the 29 Palms underground base during April
- 1989 tracked down some data about the geology of the spot. During
- the time when the area was under the sea, an earthquake caused a
- large hole in the ground, causing a lot of water to create a
- funnel-like structure in the ground. Evidently, disks go in and
- out of there all the time, and the Army has tried to send cameras
- down there, only to have the cables cut. One group that attempted
- to go down on ropes were exposed to a blue gas and had to be
- pulled out again..."
- We quote now from parts of an interview between John Lear and the National
- Fringe Sciences (Computer) Bulletin Board:
- "Question: You just mentioned that there were... other 'species' in contact
- with this world... are they aware of the EBE's?
- "Lear: Yes they are. The types I will mention are listed in a USAF Academy
- Physics book called 'INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE VOLUME 2,B.' I refer to
- chapter 13... which lists the ones that are most seen. They are the EBE's,
- the 'Blondes'... They look just like us but are invariably blond haired and
- blue eyed. Don't know where they come from but they do not interact with us
- except for a few abductions now and then. We also have a species that is
- similar to us in appearance but they are about seven feet tall and the main
- difference is that their eyes wrap around their head a little more than
- ours. Another type listed is a small species about four feet tall, very
- hairy and extremely strong for their size. We don't know where these guys
- come from either. All this was in the aforementioned text which was
- WITHDRAWN by the Air Force in the early '70's from the book. But there are
- several people who have the original book...
- "Question: I'm curious also as to the government's plans, if any, to deal
- with an uprising of EBE's should that eventually occur... or would the
- technological gap make an attempt untenable?
- "Lear: It is my understanding that we have already lost the battle. This is
- the reason why MJ-12 is in such a panic. They had a lot of well laid plans
- to INFORM us, and when the deception was confirmed about 1984 it was all
- out the window...
- "Question: Recently in the INF treaty negotiations, Gorbachev indicated
- that despite prior claims, they too were working on an SDI program... Is
- there any connection between our program and theirs and if the battle is
- lost, why are those attempts being made?
- "Lear: I wish I knew the answer to that. Several rumors have come out of
- the test site recently and one of them was that every test shot this year
- (1989? - Branton) has been to make a giant (underground - Branton) room.
- The shots are very clean and as soon as everything subsides they move in
- equipment to make walls, ceiling, floors and various levels."
- If in fact the SDI program(s) are being used to defend the earth from
- foreign or alien forces, then someone 'somewhere' might not appreciate such
- projects. Whether it is the serpent cults or the serpent race, someone or
- 'something' seems to have been behind the mysterious deaths of several SDI
- scientists.
- British UFOlogist Timothy Good, in his book 'UFO REPORT' (Avon Books.,
- N.Y., 1989), describes the unfortunate fate of several experts who assisted
- in the development of the STAR WARS defense system. Apparently, they were
- either eliminated by those they worked for so that they would not reveal
- what they knew, or someone or something 'else' that was displeased with the
- ultimate product of their efforts was responsible for their tragic deaths.
- Certainly, all of these scientists dying at once cannot be explained in
- coincidental terms, whatever the case:
- "...Reports of suspicious deaths, darkly and deeply linked to
- UFO's, persist, however, and continue to cause speculation. Word
- comes from Gordon Creighton, editor of the informative FLYING
- SAUCER REVIEW, who notes a possible deathly tie-in with the U.S.
- 'Star Wars' program. He wrote to me in Nov. 1988 as follows:
- "'...here in Britain 22 scientists have reportedly either taken
- their own lives or died in very strange or mysterious
- circumstances. And it seems that most... were engaged in British
- work on behalf of, or related to the U.S. 'Star Wars' program.
- The British government, it seems, was trying to hush it up. But
- press statements here say that the U.S. government had put our
- government on the spot and demanded a full inquiry. So, quite
- clearly, it is either the Russians or THEM...'
- "As many researchers have surmised, 'Star Wars', ostensibly
- conceived as a defensive system against Russian missile attack,
- may have had from it's beginning a 'defensive' UFO connection.
- Whatever the case, a 'mock test' in September, 1988, of an earth-
- shattering warhead -- much like 'Star Wars' in reverse -- was
- conducted at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada. Announced as a
- proposed super-weapon designed to destroy Russian underground
- command centers dug in solid rock down to 1,000 (feet), some UFO
- analysts believe that the real target is not Russian but another
- adversary deep down in cavernous installations IN NEVADA AND NEW
- "According to the Pentagon, the proposed earth-penetrating
- warhead is 'urgently needed'. According to rumor-mills, an alien
- race -- the 'grays' -- in their fortified underground
- laboratories, are genetically experimenting with the human race.
- Even more ominous, rumors say that their intransigence today may
- lead to new perils tomorrow."
- The following confirming article appeared in Washington State's 'SEATTLE'
- newspaper, p. 1, Oct. 8, 1988 issue. The article, which originated from the
- 'Hearst News Service', was written by reporter Bernard D. Kaplan, and
- the article is quoted in its entirety:
- "PARIS -- They're calling it the 'Star Wars Mystery' -- the
- enigmatic deaths of 10 British scientists and technicians, all of
- whom worked on projects linked to President Reagan's space- based
- anti-missile program, the Strategic Defense Initiative.
- "All of the deaths have occurred within the past 24 months, since
- Britain began to contribute to 'Star Wars' research.
- "All took place in mysterious or violent circumstances.
- "Four of the deaths were recorded as suicides and two as a result
- of accidents. In four other cases, coroner's juries handed down
- an 'open' verdict, meaning they could not determine how the
- victims died.
- "The latest case came two weeks ago. Andrew Hall, a 33- year-old
- engineer with the British Aerospace company, was found suffocated
- in his car, a hosepipe connected to the exhaust. Verdict:
- suicide.
- "Only a month earlier, Alistair Beckham, a senior space engineer
- with another major defense contractor, PLESSEY, was discovered in
- his garden shed, bound up in electric wires running to his house.
- He had been electrocuted.
- "Although Beckham's death was ruled a suicide, his widow was
- convinced he was murdered.
- "'Alistair had no personal or professional problems,' Mary
- Beckham said. 'He wasn't subject to depression. Murder is the
- sole explanation that is reasonable.'
- "Member of Parliament Douglas Hoyle, who issued a call for an
- official investigation into the strange string of deaths even
- before the Beckham case, agrees that 'something sinister' appears
- to be going on.
- "'The number of these deaths is now becoming too odd to be a
- coincidence any more,' he insists.
- "The government has so far turned down Hoyle's demand, but last
- week ordered the police forces who investigated the nine deaths
- to 'exchange information.'
- "Sources said NATO intelligence authorities in Brussels recently
- asked their British counterparts for a report on the affair.
- "'Five of the men who died worked in sensitive posts for the same
- defense contractor, BRITISH MARCONI,' a NATO source said. 'Two
- were senior scientists at the Royal Military College of Science.
- We'd be remiss in our duty if we didn't take a very close look
- into this matter.'
- "Chief Superintendent Arthur Ford, the policeman put in charge of
- coordinating the investigations, insists nothing has been found
- to link the deaths.
- "Hoyle says that's 'nonsense.' He pointed out that two others,
- LIKE Hall, died from fumes in locked cars whose engines were
- running.
- "Police officials continue to theorize that the deaths were
- attributed to personal stress to which defense industry
- scientists are often subjected. Marconi personnel manager John
- Shipley dismisses that notion.
- "'We investigated each (of the five Marconi employee deaths),' he
- says. 'We didn't find a single instance of work stress or even
- suspicion of it,' he said.
- "Besides Hall and Beckham, these people died:
- "--Marconi scientist Ashad Sharif was found in his car with a
- rope tied from his neck to a nearby tree on October 1986. The car
- had lurched forward, choking Sharif to death. Open verdict.
- "--Ministry of Defense computer specialist Richard Pugh was found
- with a plastic bag over his head in January 1987. Ruled an
- accident.
- "--Royal Military College scientist John Brittan, found
- suffocated in his car in the same month. 'Accidental death.'
- "--Marconi design engineer Victor Moore, found in February 1987
- dead of an apparent drug overdose. Verdict: suicide.
- "--Royal Military College scientist Peter Peapell found run over
- by a car the same month. Open verdict.
- "--Marconi satellite project manager David Sands drove his car
- loaded with gasoline cans into a wall in April 1987. Open
- verdict.
- "--Marconi weapons engineer Trevor Knight, found in a car with a
- hose connected to the exhaust this March. Apparent suicide.
- "--Marconi scientist John Ferry, found electrocuted, in July
- 1988. Open verdict...."
- Many UFO encounters, especially with human-like personages, have been
- relatively friendly and benevolent in nature. Yet there is, nevertheless, a
- far more malevolent group which has reportedly caused physical harm or even
- death to unfortunate witnesses who became a target in a cosmic war being
- waged against mankind by beings which apparently have little or no regard
- for human life. In his article, 'INCREDIBLE UFO INCINERATION'S: CLOSE
- ENCOUNTERS OF THE COMBUSTIBLE KIND', researcher Larry E. Arnold describes
- the following terrifying encounter, only one of several cases of
- UFO-related 'human combustion' mentioned in his article:
- "...Of the many episodes involving UFOs and the spontaneous combustion of
- humans, quite probably the most disastrous event -- if true -- in MODERN
- times occurred to the African village of Kirimukuya on Mt. Kenya.
- "For several nights in June 1954, young Laili Thindu and his shepherd
- companions listened to the pounding of their neighbors' drums announcing a
- wedding about to take place on the mountainside. They also watched STRANGE
- LIGHTS soar around this 'sacred' peak in central Kenya. They naturally were
- startled when bright beams flashed from these soaring lights, then
- concerned that the drums were now silent.
- "The next morning Laili learned that 'all the dancers, all the children,
- all the livestock, -- the entire population of the village -- had been
- seared to death by terrible streams of light from glowing objects,' report
- Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour in their book , FLYING SAUCERS ARE
- HOSTILE. 'It was not until Laili Thindu ventured into Nairobi that he was
- able to tell his story to someone who recognized the tale for what it
- really was: the annihilation of an African village by a UFO..."
- The Kenyans are not the only ones to have suffered from "alien" attacks
- upon its inhabitants. The U.S. Military is well aware of this threat of
- unknown invaders of U.S. Airspace, as is evident in the following quote:
- "We have stacks of report about flying saucers. WE TAKE THEM
- -- February, 1953. Statement by U.S. General CHIDLAW in charge of
- the United States Continental Air Defense.
- There are many indications suggesting that certain humans have, in one way
- or another, been brought under the mental, technical or occult control of
- the 'reptilians' over the years -- whether they are fully aware of this
- manipulation or not. Could the 'being' referred to in the following
- account, which appeared on pp. 1136-1137 of Raymond A. Palmer's 'HIDDEN
- WORLD' publication for Summer, 1962, be the type of subterranean- dwelling
- creature which at least one account has referred to as a a 'dragon-worm'?
- Could this creature (supposing it does in fact exist and is not the result
- of one man's deluded and misguided fantasy experience) be one of the MANY
- and VARIED branches or mutations of the 'serpent' races, which many
- accounts tend to confirm as existing within subterranean areas? It would
- seem that accounts such as this one might raise more questions than
- answers. Remember that this letter appeared years before the advent of the
- famous 'Star Wars' trilogy which depicted a creature very similar to that
- described in the following letter. Again, one may wonder if George Lucas
- himself might not have been inspired subconsciously by certain evident
- realities, and portrayed some of these -- although in a rather
- sensationalized manner -- in his movies. The following account was
- submitted by a reader who chose to remain anonymous. He states:
- "Dear Ray: ...This happened about 12 or 13 years ago. I was in my
- late teens, I think, but perhaps the time is not as important as
- the incident.
- "In the late night hours I awoke, got out of bed, walked out of
- the house and was met by a group of men (?) who drove me out into
- the country to an old farmhouse. I don't know the location any
- more than the people involved; maybe I was drugged, I don't know.
- At the farmhouse we went immediately to the potato cellar and
- through a trapdoor in the floor down a long inclining tunnel. We
- arrived into a room, fantastically decorated, bizarre, like Hades
- -- how can I describe it? It was of good size; and others were
- present. Some one asked: 'Is he ready?' and the answer: 'Yes, he
- is.' Two 'others' -- one on each side of me escorted me into a
- room? Tunnel? (again beyond my description) the worm, or whoever
- or whatever he or it was, was huge, long, round, knobby. An
- immense head and mouth (which swayed back and forth) spoke to me.
- I don't remember what it said or my answer, but one of them put a
- syringe into it, and then into me! I swear the language spoken by
- them AND MYSELF was not English, but somehow I seemed to know,
- yet but not know. After some kind of warning and benediction from
- this being I was escorted out. Once again the car, the return
- trip, and home in bed. Since that time I have once in awhile
- visited the caves quite unhindered... in dreams and the like
- (since 'suppressed' memories of experiences with UFO's, etc.
- often surface in 'dreams' or impressions, could these be actual
- memories of other visits to the nether regions which were
- suppressed from his memory? There is also the small chance that
- ray-induced visions or even 'astral' interaction might be
- involved as well, that is, the "abduction" of the spirit body
- from the soul and physical bodies. The physical-soul body
- presumably remains attached to the disembodied spirit-essence via
- a silvery cord or beam of energy which maintains a kind of
- hyperspace link between them - Branton).
- "I can only comment that the knowledge of, and use of the mechs,
- the architecture, the philosophies in the pictures (or whatever
- they are), would enable man to live like gods in comparison to
- how they now live. However the areas of horror beyond
- comprehension would have to be removed before this can be done
- (Note: The writer may be referring to the so-called super- human
- abilities brought about through the use or manipulation of
- powerful electromagnetic occult technologies. We must remind the
- reader that 'power' has NOTHING to do with benevolence or
- "right"-eousness, or as the old saying goes: 'Might does not make
- right!' Such abilities to manipulate the forces of nature via
- occult technologies -- such as those which were developed and
- utilized by the antediluvians, which by the way may have played a
- role in their destruction, and which is now being used by many of
- the inhabitants of the nether 'cavern' regions -- could be
- extremely destructive if placed in the wrong hands - Branton).
- "An interesting sequel to this (dream or reality?) is that I have
- prayed, hard, that this wouldn't affect my life. I believe in
- some ways it hasn't, but my wife feels that something, as I also
- have felt, is not allowing me to live as I want to. Of course I
- want to know, was it dream or reality? (Name deleted by
- request)."
- The following letter appeared in the July, 1964 issue of 'SEARCH' Magazine,
- and was written by a Mr. Ervin M. Scott of (at that time) 536 12th St.,
- Denver, Colorado. Mr. Scott's references to the origin of "dreams" is
- interesting. There are theories that the brain acts like a biological
- electrochemical "radio" transceiver at some levels. It is a proven fact
- that the brain sends very subtle neuro-electrical transmissions into the
- atmos- phere, and that these "brain waves" can be recorded by electro-
- encephelograph machines. An even more daring theory is that neurons can
- interact and affect other particles-waves in the Unified Field and that the
- brain has the ability to "focus" these waves as a transmitter or a
- receiver. Of course the success of long-range communication between minds
- is minimal when compared with radio waves, because of the thick morass of
- 'psychic static' that must be penetrated and the minimal energy output.
- Others claim that certain "alien" cultures have machines that are capable
- of electronically magnifying and focusing thought waves for transmitting or
- receiving. As for "dreams", some believe that they take place when the mind
- tunes-in to a "deeper" mental states wherein the mind is able to tap into
- the thought- forms of a "collective unconscious", explaining the "universal
- dream symbolism" which has been reported by psychologists. One symbolic
- explanation that has been used to explain this process is that of islands
- that appear to be separate and distinct when seen above water -- symbolic
- of individual conscious minds, yet the "deeper" one goes below the
- "surface" the more they connect with other islands at the underlying levels
- -- symbolic of the increasing levels of the collective unconscious mind(s).
- Mr. Scott describes his unusual experiences as follows:
- "Dear Ray: ...Congratulations on another excellent issue of
- 'SEARCH' Magazine.
- "I was especially interested in your article, 'Faces in Your
- Dreams.'
- "Having had many strange, puzzling dreams over the last few
- years, I have become quite interested in any clues that might
- point towards origin and cause of dreams. I recognize a good many
- as probably having the subconscious as the source. However, there
- is an occasional dream, that is so vivid and unusual that it
- causes one to wonder.
- "I have no connection one way or the other, on the Shaver
- Mystery, but, I will briefly describe... dreams that are
- interesting in relation to that subject.
- "On Nov. 30, 1963 while in a light sleep I heard a woman's voice
- coming as if from a distance and she spoke urgently as follows:
- 'This is from a stolen farm beneath the Salt Lake flats in Utah.
- (I was living in Wichita, Kansas at the time.) There was a woman
- abducted almost three weeks ago in Boston, Mass. and taken
- underground. Reports indicate that an abbey in North section of
- the city is being used and that cellars underneath the abbey
- connect with tunnels leading up from caverns below. This is a
- continuation of the Evil one's War against Mankind.'
- "Another voice broke in, 'Don't believe her. Don't you see this
- is a lie - a trick? (Then, warningly) Keep quiet about this.'
- "I have never been in Utah nor have had no thoughts about or
- desire to visit, so if this was caused by subconscious, it is
- certainly puzzling, as is the reference to 'a stolen farm'..."
- This letter suggests that a conflict of sorts has been and is taking place
- in cavernous levels below Utah, as in other states.
- Earlier in this file we revealed an incident which was originally described
- by 'Commander X', from a source in Dulce, N.M., stating that a certain
- chemical was secretly (via certain 'doctors' tied in with the aliens) being
- injected into individuals via sulfa drugs which in turn lodged in the
- bone-structure of the victim. This chemical allegedly makes their bodies
- extremely sensitive to ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) radio waves, which can
- be 'tuned in' to the deep encephalographic wave bands of the human brain,
- and these transmissions could apparently be used to subliminally control or
- at least influence human minds from a distance.
- Perhaps some individuals, such as the writer of the letter just quoted, are
- naturally sensitive to these extremely low frequency waves, in that their
- brains to some extent act as an electro- chemical biological ELF radio
- receiver. Certain accounts suggest that various subterranean groups utilize
- ELF radio transceivers capable of penetrating many miles of solid rock.
- The letter just quoted might "suggest" that another group, more malevolent,
- utilize a similar form (of ELF radio wave transceivers?) such as the one
- through which the woman apparently sent out the 'distress' or warning call.
- Could this 'other' voice be tied-in with a subterranean group similar to
- the 'Horlocks' mentioned earlier in this File? Or could it have originated
- from the Reptilians? The 'Horlocks' are, as we've suggested earlier, a
- group of human 'mind-slaves' who are possibly manipulated and kept under
- reptilian mind-control via implantation, technosis, and so on.
- Various sources have described many strange subsurface phenomena associated
- with the Salt Lake or Great Basin subnet. Some of these include:
- 1) A reference to a system of tunnels and catacombs allegedly existing
- below the Salt Lake Valley, which were said to exist long before the first
- settlers moved in. Unusual stories have made the rounds to the effect that
- early construction workers in downtown SLC broke through into these
- underground tunnels. Some of these passages were later expanded by early
- polygamists who entered them to take refuge from government prosecutors.
- Others who entered certain of these tunnels never returned. Additional
- "rumors" say that "Lizard People" have been encountered in some of the
- deeper tunnels, as well as unusual footprints of creatures with three toes.
- There are also reports of seemingly "bottomless shafts". Also huge passages
- "large enough to drive a truck through" are said to lead southwest from
- downtown Salt Lake City to other chambers below the western Rockies,
- especially below the Cottonwood Canyons.
- It is interesting that the Mayan- Telosians claim to have a large base
- under Big Cottonwood Canyon, The Mormon Church has a huge underground
- storage shelter below Little Cottonwood Canyon, and the tunnels in down-
- town SLC are also said to connect with the basement of the Masonic Temple
- there. ALL THREE groups possess an initiatory order of "Melchizedek" within
- their structures... interesting! Also, there have been reports of
- encounters with NORDICS as well as abductions by REPTILIANS near these
- canyons. One witness swore that at night she was taken out of her house in
- Salt Lake City by a blond man in a black "astronaut" uniform, who showed
- her a "Star Wars" scenario taking place above the Cottonwood Canyons. She
- saw [cloaked?] disks emerging from Twin Peaks only to fire beams of energy
- at incoming UFOs. The beams hit what appeared to be the force shields of
- the incoming craft and in "Star Trek" like fashion the energy crackled
- around the UFOs, many of which seemed to lose motive power and drift away.
- Could this area be one of the "Stand-off" zones between the Benevolent Ones
- and the Reptilian Grays that John Lear, Agent YF and other sources have
- referred to?
- Aside from these mountain bases, other underground systems are said to run
- southwest under Trolley Square [where workers also reportedly "broke in" to
- underground catacombs in years past] and also the old Sugerhouse Mall
- district. At least two individuals have reported "abductions" from this
- area. One man stated that he was taken underground just north of
- Sugerhouse, and was "operated on", his right leg removed and reattached.
- Although the experience seemed "dreamlike", when he found himself at home
- once again he stood up and his right leg gave out under him. Another
- person, a woman, reported being abducted and taken into huge underground
- chambers by way of a maze, just west of Sugarhouse Mall. She was placed in
- an altered state -- it also seemed to be "dreamlike", but she did
- experience "missing time". She reportedly encountered a tall, dark haired
- man who was in the company of a "Gray" alien, and he gave her and several
- other people in the chambers different instructions -- which she cannot
- consciously remember. One other incident was reported by a woman who was
- part of a night cleaning crew in the multi-levelled Crossroads Mall. She
- claimed that one night a creature came around a corner, wobbled up to her,
- and snarled viciously as it went past. She could only describe it as a
- "demon", however the apparent physical tangibility of the creature may
- suggest that it was one of the so-called "lizard people" or reptilians that
- are rumored to stalk the lower tunnels below the Mall. One worker who had
- gone into the tunnels reportedly placed his hand against one tunnel wall at
- which point his arm went THROUGH the wall -- an extremely unnerving
- experience. The next time he was there he attempted the same thing, but the
- wall was "solid". Could the "aliens" temporarily "phase shift" the
- molecules within an underground passage in order to pass through to hidden
- chambers beyond? Others have reported passing rooms from which an unusual
- greenish luminescence emanated. Others speak of tunnels that have been
- sealed or locked by wooden doors that seemed to be ancient, or by metal
- doors or gates. There are also reports of people entering the sewer or
- drainage tunnels under downtown SLC, peeking into huge chambers, and seeing
- "men in suits" carrying uzi machine guns. Could these be Mormon Church
- security officers protecting the basement levels of "Temple Square" from
- unwanted alien intruders from BELOW?
- 2) Certain geologists state that the Great Salt Lake has an underground
- counterpart deep below it, and that a certain type of earthquake could
- 'conceivably' empty the entire contents of the lake into it's subterranean
- counterpart. There are vague rumors of underground streams or rivers which
- allegedly flow from HUGE caverns in the heart of the Wasatch Mts./Western
- Rockies (caverns which can supposedly be entered by following the right
- path through the underground maze), and westward below the valley floor,
- possibly to the underground 'counterpart' of the Great Salt Lake.
- 3) A former worker in Utah's 'Dougway Proving Ground' (where former Dulce
- Base worker Thomas Castello alleges there is an 'entrance' to the
- underground systems) reported that he witnessed 'people' working at the
- base-facility who were NOT human. He could not explain, but he did state
- that he learned of top secret robotics and even 'Philadelphia-Experiment'
- like teleportation research that was being conducted at the base. Also,
- there have been reports (similar to those at Dulce, NM; the Nevada] Test
- Site; the Madigan Medical facility in Washington State, and at Deep
- Springs, CA), particularly from a former hairdresser at the Dougway base
- whose name was Barbara, that there were several reptilian beings working at
- the base who were masquerading as humans. She stated that even one of the
- base commanders was NOT human -- she saw him momentarily transform before
- her eyes!
- 4) There are many accounts of various alien 'bases' throughout Utah
- occupied by the Nordics, the Grays, secret societies, the large 'EL'
- humans, possibly the 'Orange', and of course the 'hubrids' -- and possibly
- even natural-born humans who are being held prisoner in 'reptilian'
- strongholds.
- This latter possibility was confirmed by Val Valerian in 'THE LEADING EDGE'
- Newsletter, in which he stated his belief that, based on the numerous
- accounts that he had gathered:
- "...Scores of underground installations hold citizens of
- virtually every country on the planet in captivity."
- Valerian is of course referring to the Dulce facility, as well as other
- such facilities throughout the world where permanent abductees' reportedly
- end up. This may also include other people who have disappeared in other
- ways.
- One possible subterranean 'abduction' was described by researcher John
- Grant. In his book 'GREAT MYSTERIES' (Chartwell Books., Secaucus, NJ.,
- 1988), Grant records the following frightening incident: "...In 1975 Mr.
- and Mrs. Jackson Wright were driving to New York through blinding snow; in
- the Lincoln Tunnel they agreed to pause and wipe snow from the front and
- rear windows. Jackson Wright never saw his wife, Martha, again."
- People just don't 'disappear' without a trace, never to be heard from
- again, especially in a place like this unless SOMETHING intentionally
- causes such a disappearance to take place. There have, incidentally, been
- reports of 'UFO' like objects and/or alien creatures being seen in
- connection with 'abductions' which took place in underground tunnels, some
- 'deserted' by our standards and others not. One case involved some teenaged
- boys in Europe who swore that their abductors (grays) took them to a base
- underground via a long-abandoned World War II railway tunnel.
- It is uncertain just how many human casualties the human race may have
- suffered as a result of the Da'ath or Dah'ath wars over the centuries
- (Da'ath is the Hebrew name of the 'tree' where, tradition holds, the human
- and serpent races first came into conflict), yet based on the various
- accounts which we have covered in this Fil, we can assume that the victims
- have been in the tens of thousands AT THE VERY LEAST.
- In the meantime, the abductions of humans, an integral part of the 'evil
- ones' warfare against God and men's souls, are still taking place. Whether
- the victims are taken to underground or off-planet areas is difficult to
- tell in any given case, although there is reason to believe that both
- possibilities are a reality.
- There have, believe it or not, been abductions which have occurred in
- connection with 'UFO' activity that have involved not a few, not dozens,
- nor hundreds but THOUSANDS of people who have disappeared without a trace,
- or been abducted, en masse. Such is the case with the following well-known
- and documented incident that has baffled the many researchers who have
- mentioned it in their writings:
- "In the Winter of 1930 a profoundly disturbing incident took place in
- Canada. Trapper Arnaud Lauret and his son observed a strange light crossing
- the northern sky. It appeared to be headed for the Lake Anjikuni area. The
- two trappers described it as being alternatingly bullet-shaped and
- cylinder-shaped...
- "Another trapper named Joe LaBelle had snowshoed into the village of the
- Lake Anjikuni people, and been chilled to discover that the normally
- bustling community was silent, and not a soul was moving in the streets.
- Even the sled dogs, which would normally have bayed welcome, were silent.
- The shanties were choked with snow, and not a chimney showed smoke.
- "The trapper found the village kayaks tied up on the shore of the lake.
- Inside the shanties the trapper found a further surprise: there were meals
- left hanging over fires, long grown old and moldy, apparently abandoned as
- they were being cooked. The men's rifles were still standing by the doors.
- This really frightened the trapper, because he knew that these people would
- NEVER leave their precious weapons behind.
- "He reported his discovery to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who
- investigated further. They discovered that the town's dogs died of hunger,
- chained beneath a tree and covered by a snowdrift. More disturbingly, the
- town graveyard had been emptied. The graves were now yawning pits. Despite
- the frozen ground, the graves had been opened and the dead removed..."
- Whitley Strieber, who claimed to have had several abduction- type
- experiences since a young age involving different types of beings -- both
- apparently physical and paraphysial -- does not hold to the idea that these
- creatures are originally from deep space. He believes that some of them MAY
- come from the nether regions of the earth, and may have been here for
- millennia, being part of an ancient conspiracy to occultically control or
- manipulate the human race. He is not certain exactly what the creatures
- behind his abductions were, but he did suggest that the ancient (fallen?)
- 'elementals' might be involved. Strieber had some comments of his own
- concerning the strange mass abduction near the Lake Anjikuni area. In his
- book 'MAJESTIC', he stated:
- "The RCMP continues the case opened to this day. A check with the records
- department indicated that the matter remains unsolved, and despite a search
- of the whole of Canada and inquiries throughout the world, not a single
- found." Strieber related still another incident in this same book, of a
- mysterious abduction (apparently) to underground regions:
- "...The first seemingly related case of disappearance in the U.S. history
- (that is, 'related' to cases given by Strieber earlier in his book,
- concerning people who were allegedly pursued by unknown objects and
- experienced NEAR abductions yet managed to escape -- and others who were
- captured in the full sight of witnesses and never seen again - Branton)...
- took place on 23 September 1880 near the town of Gallatin, Tennessee. At
- approximately three-thirty on that sunny afternoon, Mr. David Lang, a
- farmer, dematerialized in front of five witnesses, including his wife, his
- two children, his father-in-law and a local judge.
- "The father-in-law and the judge had just pulled up in a carriage. Mr. Lang
- moved toward them across a field followed by his family. Without warning,
- he simply ceased to exist. There was no cry, no sign of distress. Mrs.
- Lang, distraught, rushed up and pounded the ground where he had been
- walking. All that afternoon, and into the night the field was searched.
- Subsequently the county surveyor determined that there were no hidden caves
- or sinkholes in the area of the disappearance.
- "The subsequent April, seven months later," Streiber writes, "the children
- heard their father crying distantly UNDERNEATH the field. He seemed
- desperate and tortured, and was begging for help. His voice gradually died
- away and was not heard again. Where he was last seen, there was a circle of
- WITHERED yellow grass twenty feet in diameter.
- "The family moved away from the farm.
- "It can be surmised that Mr. Lang was not removed above ground, but rather
- was taken INTO THE EARTH and kept alive there for some months," Strieber
- continues, "judging from the cries that were heard the next April. What the
- poor man suffered during that time, and what finally put him out of his
- misery, can scarcely be imagined...
- "He was apparently left to languish in some subterranean prison, presumably
- dying when his food and water ran out."
- Evidence is beginning to mount that many of the human and animal organs
- from mutilation victims are being used by an entirely different 'alien'
- group than the reptilians-saurians, although the sauroids are apparently
- working in full cooperation with this "other" group by assisting in the
- construction of physical-biological 'forms' which can be 'possessed' and
- animated by an insidious group of SUPERNATURAL non-physical entities, the
- 'infernals' or 'polter- giests'. Whitley Streiber stated that he
- encountered some of these entities during an abduction, and noticed an area
- on their craft where these malevolent, fearful creatures stored these
- 'bodies' when they were not in use. These energy beings, he came to
- realize, used such physical shells to operate in the physical dimension,
- much like a human being enters a diving suit in order to operate under
- water.
- The LEADING EDGE Magazine for March, 1990, quoted one 'inside' source as
- saying that: "These beings... have a PHYSICAL presence generate biological
- structures that function as CONTAINERS for them... the aliens manufacture
- containers for themselves... fabricate their own bodies -- using
- biologicals gained from humans and cattle..."
- A publication titled 'AMERICA'S MISSING & EXPLOITED CHILDREN' (published by
- the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
- Prevention, Washington D.C.) made the following statement: "Even the most
- conservative estimates suggest that SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND children are
- missing within the course of the year." (in the United States alone). Also:
- "...In 1983, the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services put the number at
- 1.5 million a year -- a figure that has been widely circulated by private
- organizations. But experts say roughly 95 percent of these are runaways --
- many of whom return home within days and are counted repeatedly if they run
- away more than once a year." This would apparently put the number of those
- who are 'abducted' in one way or another to AT LEAST 75,000 per year...
- 'Commander X', from his apparent though guarded vantage- point within the
- Intelligence Community, claims to be privy to much 'deep-level' inside
- information, as we have seen in earlier writings. One of the reports that
- crossed his desk involved the experience of a woman who was 'abducted' and
- taken over 1000 miles to the underground facility below Dulce, New Mexico:
- "...One woman I have spoken with was abducted from the roof of a
- New York City apartment building and apparently held underground
- at the Dulce facility. She was taken to a cabin in the desert
- which was being used as a camouflaged entrance to the 'alien'
- base. She was eventually escorted to the laboratories to be used
- as a test subject, but at the last minute managed to escape
- thanks to the aid of one of the Nordic-type, tall aliens, who
- befriended her and showed her a secret way out, down an unguarded
- shaft.
- "Back in the desert, she was rescued by members of the Blue
- Berets, and eventually flown back to Manhattan. During a de-
- briefing session with the military, she was warned to remain
- silent about her experiences. Anyone hearing such a bizarre tale
- would certainly think she had gone insane. It was inferred she
- could be committed to a mental institution at any time should she
- refuse to go along with the cover-up conspiracy, which she was
- told was being conducted 'for the sake of the country, and the
- sake of the world!'" (if you believe that excuse, then I have
- some beachfront property on Mercury that you might be interested
- in! - Branton)
- William Cooper stated at the MUFON symposium in Las Vegas in 1989 that over
- 3,000 children disappear yearly in one section of Manhattan alone. Could
- there be some connection!?
- The accounts of disappearances around underground tunnels and caverns are
- seemingly endless, as we see in the following incident recorded in Harold
- T. Wilkins' book 'FLYING SAUCERS UNCENSORED', p. 47:
- "June 7, 1954: Three German tourists who entered the vast
- Lamprecht Cave, near Lofer, in the Salzburg mountain region of
- Austria have never been found. Their automobile was left locked
- outside the cave.
- "...The above may very well be merely a case of amateur
- speleologists getting lost in labyrinthine caves, although it is
- unusual for THREE men to vanish in this fashion. But I must risk
- the charge of being accused of fancy and moonshine, when I say
- that both in England and the United States, there are regions of
- limestone caverns and mountains from which...queer phenomena
- associated with white lights descending to ground level from
- great altitudes have been reported!"
- Similar disappearances were recorded by John Keel in his book 'OUR HAUNTED
- PLANET', pp. 202-208:
- "...There are periodic waves of disappearances which create brief
- sensations in the newspapers and are quickly forgotten. No one
- ever manages to find out where these people have gone. In 1912
- five men, all unrelated, disappeared unaccountably in a single
- week in Buffalo, New York. Montreal, Canada, had a wave of
- missing persons in July, 1883, and again in July, 1892.
- "Children vanish MORE FREQUENTLY than any other group. We're not
- talking about ordinary runaways. In August, 1869, thirteen
- children vanished in Cork, Ireland. No sign of kidnapping or foul
- play. The same month there was a wave of disappearing children in
- Brussels, Belgium. Another group of youngsters melted away in
- Belfast in August, 1895. And again in August, 1920, eight girls
- (all under twelve years of age) disappeared forever in Belfast...
- "Actually, children have been disappearing in large numbers for
- centuries all over the world, and most of these cases have
- remained unsolved. In the Middle Ages it was popularly believed
- that fairies and leprechauns frequently stole children away. The
- Indians of North and South America also have many myths and
- stories about children being kidnapped by little people. The
- notion that parahumans kidnap children is deeply entrenched in
- every culture...
- "The celebrated Pied Piper of Hameln, Germany, is more than just
- a charming children's story. A stranger actually did appear in
- Hameln in the Middle Ages, and he lured away 150 children never
- to be seen again. The event is still commemorated with an annual
- festival in Hameln (one of the old versions of the story says
- that the children were taken to a subterranean cavern - Branton).
- "In A.D. 1212 a teenaged boy in France, Stephen of Cloyes, BEGAN
- TO HEAR VOICES which inspired him to collect together fifty
- thousand children for the pathetic Children's Crusade. They
- marched off to do battle with the infidels and disappeared EN
- MASSE. The popular explanation is that they were all seized by
- slavers.
- "...Ufologist Jerome Clark uncovered an extraordinary item from
- an old 1939 newspaper. 'On a day in the late summer, 1939, a
- military transport left the Marine Naval Air Station in San
- Diego, California, for a routine flight to Honolulu,' Clark wrote
- in FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. 'About three hours afterwards several
- urgent distress signals sounded from the plane and then silence.
- Later the craft came limping back to execute an emergency
- landing. When Air Station personnel entered the plane, they found
- every man of the crew, including the copilot who had lived long
- enough to pilot the craft back to its base, dead of unknown
- causes.
- "Each of the bodies carried large, gaping wounds, and the outside
- of the ship was similarly marked. Air Station men who touched
- parts of the craft came down with a mysterious skin infection.
- "One of the most puzzling aspects of the whole affair was that
- the .45 automatics carried by the pilot and copilot as service
- of rotten eggs pervaded the atmosphere inside the plane...
- Mysterious skin infections and rotten egg odors (hydrogen
- sulfide) are phenomena familiar to all UFO researchers. It would
- seem that the transport was attacked -- apparently without
- provocation -- by some sort of strange aerial intruder."
- The following account, taken from the May, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES
- magazine (pp. 171-173) seems to contain information which would explain
- many of the 'missing pieces' of the overall 'Men In Black' phenomena. At
- least some of the 'MIB' have been variously described as oriental or
- 'androidal' like beings, although as John Keel has stated, others seem to
- portray reptilian characteristics. Abductee Christa Tilton allegedly
- encountered some 'MIBs' in a black automobile within Boynton Canyon, near
- Sedona, Arizona (a reported base site). She described them as follows: "The
- men did not look right. Their faces had no expression on them whatsoever.
- They looked like they were wearing chalky tan makeup. Their movements were
- robot-like and unearthly." The AMAZING STORIES letter, which was quite
- lengthy and excerpts of which we quote below, was submitted by a Mr. Edward
- John of (at the time) 475 Fell St., San Francisco, CA.:
- "Sirs... I have enjoyed your stories for many years as I have
- read AMAZING since the first issue back in 1928 if I remember
- right.
- "...I think I can show you an entrance to this subterranean city
- that he (Shaver) has written about several issues back. Here is
- what happened to me and you may judge for yourself. In 1931 my
- mother and I took up a section of land as a cattle raising home-
- stead from the U.S. Government and naturally it was not a choice
- piece... a person who turned out to be our nearest neighbor gave
- us some hints and as the place was only six miles from his we
- stayed at his ranch until we built our house. Then we moved into
- our own and all in all we stayed there about two years before we
- quite; and now I will relate the things that caused us to quit,
- which at the time I did not know much about, but since Mr. Shaver
- wrote, now I know and marvel that we managed to stand two years
- without getting killed by these things from below.
- "As a note of interest I have had to use 30,000 rounds of
- ammunition in the period and perhaps that is why we are still
- here. At night I would sit up fully dressed all night with a
- rifle in my hands, ready, and an extra one by my side. In about
- five hours after dark I would hear things moving outside the
- house and after a while something would try to open the door
- quietly and I would wait until I saw the knob turn, then let go a
- clip right through the door and then pull it open and look around
- outside and there was nothing to be seen. After a couple of
- nights like that, that performance would stop and something new
- would be tried.
- "There are too many incidents to be told in one letter, the best
- one was the two disappearing automobiles, which happened at about
- ten at night over at the neighbor's place. It was as follows: the
- neighbor and we were sitting on the porch after supper when he
- saw headlights come over the hill to the fence then along the
- fence for about half a mile, then go out and that was all that
- night. So next morning we went to the trail along the fence and
- there were tire tracks of seven inch width tires and they went
- along the fence into the box canyon and right up against a smooth
- boulder about 20 feet in diameter and ended there. Now the car
- could not turn around anywhere in that place because the road is
- a trail five feet wide and one side is against our neighbor's
- fence, which was not damaged and the other was a steep hill that
- no car could even make in compound low. You know, we have a few
- mountains here, and as far as backing out I tried that myself in
- the daytime with help and I could not steer a straight enough
- path without crossing my other marks so they did not back out or
- we would have trailed them as my neighbor has lived around there
- since 1848 and he sure knew his tracking. We never did get an
- answer to the question of where did the cars go.
- "The cars were very large and black and very heavy and now that I
- compare them they were about twenty years ahead of anything I
- have ever seen anywhere and I had worked in the auto business for
- about five years before we took up the land. They were silent,
- smooth, no wavering of the lights and the trail is extremely
- rough; in places it has hollows a yard deep, but these cars went
- through at about 25 mph, and it would even wreck a jeep to do
- that, so you figure it out and let me know the answer if you can.
- By wavering of lights, I mean that the beams were steady and not
- flashing up and down as an ordinary car would do when a rough
- road is traveled.
- "I have been away from there since 1933, but just about three
- months ago, I drove through with a friend for safety and my place
- is razed to the ground and everything that was made by human
- hands has been carried off -- even the old tin cans, and the
- place would not be noticed unless you knew where is was. The
- Coast and Geodetic survey had a marker near my house in the front
- yard and even that is gone; who would want to take a concrete
- marker and carry it away?
- "...after two weeks, you can hear insects running on the ground,
- (also) forest fires will not burn there. They burnt 250,000
- acres, then burnt all around this area; and that stopped the
- forest rangers. They never could understand because most of it is
- on the slope of a mountain and it should have gone, but they saw
- that the wind came down and blew from the top down and blew
- North, South, East and West at once and that was the only time
- that the wind ever blew there.
- "Also you can detect an ATMOSPHERE of FEAR within 30 miles of the
- area and you will not get a statement from anyone who lives
- around there and the people in the valleys are afraid of the
- people in the hills. One farmer erected 20 foot barbed wire
- fences and a heavy gate across the road that leads to my old
- place. The gate would take a tank to knock down, so maybe there
- is something there, after all. (Note: Richard Toronto reprinted a
- news article in his SHAVERTRON newsletter concerning a Krishna
- Sect temple that had been built on a mountain BETWEEN Hopland and
- Lakeport, California -- the same area that Edward John refers to.
- This sect had come under Federal scrutiny when it was discovered
- that they had been stockpiling weapons for some unknown purpose.
- Interesting... - Branton)
- "It is located 110 miles north of San Francisco in Mendocino
- county and is directly on the old Pieta toll road that ran
- between Hopland and Lakeport in Lake county of which Clear Lake
- is quite a summer resort. If you care to look it up on a map get
- a good auto road map and look due south off the road midway
- between towns and you will note an area with no roads bounded by
- Sonoma Lake and lower Mendocino counties and there is it. If you
- wish to go there, be sure that enough people know where you went.
- Maybe they will be able to find you. There have been several
- disappearances along that stretch of road, even trucks have
- vanished. All the U.S. Government's.
- "The U.S. Government has noted the area as rough, unsurveyable
- "Personally I do not care to go near the place, but if there is
- some way of driving the things out I would help if I can so that
- someone else could live there safely.
- "...Also I forgot to mention there is a cave on the property that
- has steps leading down and there is no sound when a rock is
- thrown in. I have never seen it, but I understand that it is
- there... Also, several people (in the area) have died of heart
- failure and some have gone insane, I found out later.
- "I think the thing that saved us was the fact that I am not
- surprised at anything and that I am quick to shoot and I can
- shoot without sighting and by ear and not having the THOUGHT of
- shooting fixed SO THAT the things would be warned. After that
- place, I was able to outshoot U.S. Marine sharpshooters. I tried
- competing in a match and I just never missed any target at any
- range. If I could see it, I could hit it, 5 out of 5. I have
- tried practice machine guns at plane models and I hit 3 out of 5
- at speeds up to 700 mph scale without using the sights. So the
- old ranch gave me something worthwhile after all.
- "Due to my physical condition, I cannot get into any armed
- forces, so that talent is wasted, for you see I have a bad leg
- and cannot walk more than a mile at a time. Since I left the
- ranch I have been in the radio business and have not owned a gun
- since '34, because as long as I stay away from there I don't need
- one..."
- An interesting post-script to this story. Several years following this
- incident, some people who had befriended Edward John stated that he claimed
- to know of an man who was not from this planet. He was a radio expert in
- the Navy and, according to Mr. John, he was born on a world with no
- temperate zone but where the tropics and the arctic regions were almost
- adjacent to each other. Still later, others made references to Mr. John as
- having actually met up with the 'space brothers', essentially becoming
- another 'contactee' like those who frequented California during the late
- 1950's and early 1960's.
- Aside from the area referred to by Edward John, there are apparently other
- "danger zones" in different parts of the world that have been associated
- with underground phenomena. The 'I.N.F.O. JOURNAL' (box 367., Arlington,
- VA, 22210), a publication devoted to 'Fortean' research, in it's Vol. IV,
- No. 2 issue related one of the most frightening and disturbing accounts of
- subterranean abduction that we have come across yet. The article, titled
- 'MOUNTAIN OF DEATH', was written by David D. Browne, and originally
- appeared in the June 1972 issue of WALKABOUT, published in Sydney,
- Australia:
- "Black Mountain comes almost as a shock when you see it first.
- "Traveling by bus just south of Cooktown, North Queensland
- (Australia), a bend in the road suddenly discloses it and the
- visual impact can bring an involuntary exclamation, as you see it
- -- black, bare and sinister, a 1,000 ft. high pile of enormous
- boulders two miles long, rearing out of the rain-forest.
- "This is 'the Mountain of Death.' Aborigines will not go near it.
- An ancient legend warns them of danger. White men fear it too,
- because of the numbers of men who have gone there and disappeared
- without a trace, as if the earth -- or the mountain -- had
- swallowed them. Birds and animals shun the area.
- "The rocks give off a curious metallic ring when struck, and the
- only sound is the croaking of countless frogs sheltered in the
- depths where the great granite boulders lie against each other.
- "In Brisbane's Public Library, a yellowing newspaper cutting
- tells some of the story:
- "'Grim tragedy has been associated with the mountain ever since
- it has been known to white man.
- "'Three men with horses completely disappeared at the mountain.
- They vanished as if the earth had opened and swallowed them up,
- for absolutely no trace of them has ever been discovered,
- although police and backtrackers and hundreds of local residents
- scoured the mountain and surrounding country.'
- "Then following (were) the names and occupations of several
- others who disappeared, and the dates of their disappearance. The
- cutting continues:
- "'This constitutes one of the most amazing stories in the police
- history of the far north, for not one of the mysteries has been
- solved and probably never will be.'
- "Another newspaper cutting, signed Nancy Francis, reads:
- "'The formation of these mountains is unique; their appearance
- grotesque. They are mountains of huge boulders full of chasms
- that go down to unsounded depths. Only a few rock wallabies and a
- few turkeys live near these grim, forbidding hills. The
- Aborigines regard the Black Mountains with dread.'
- "In the files of the Cooktown police, dating back 25 years, there
- is a report made by a Sergeant of Police who discussed the
- mountain with a man whom he refers to as Mac. Mac began:
- "'Know anything about Black Mountain, or so-called 'Mountain of
- Death'? Its aboriginal name is Kalcajagga.'
- "'What does it look like at close quarters?' I asked.
- "'Just a mass of tumbled granite blocks; hardly any vegetation.
- The only living things there are black rock wallabies and
- enormous pythons 16 feet or more long and able to swallow a
- wallaby whole. The ridge is honeycombed with caves, nearly all
- unexplored. They dip down below ground level but nobody knows
- their extent or what they contain.'
- "The latest fatalities, he reported, had occurred only a few
- years earlier when two young men set out to solve the riddle of
- earlier disappearances in the caves. They were never heard of
- again. Two black trackers who tried to trace them disappeared
- too.
- "Then Mac went back to the beginning of the mountain's grim
- story.
- "The first-known fatality was that of a carrier named Grayner, in
- 1977. He had been searching on horseback for strayed bullocks
- when he, with his horse and bullocks, vanished without a trace.
- Thirteen years later, Constable Ryan, stationed at Cooktown,
- tracked a 'wanted' man to the scrub at the foot of the mountain.
- Other trackers followed his trail to the entrance of one of the
- caves, but he was never seen again. Nor was the 'wanted' man.
- "More recently a gold prospector named Renn was added to the list
- of mysterious disappearances.
- "Well-organized police teams with trackers combed the whole area
- for weeks without finding him.
- "Then there was the case of Harry Owens, a station owner from
- Oakley Creek. One Sunday morning he rode over towards Black
- Mountain looking for strayed cattle. When he didn't return on
- time his partner, George Hawkins, alerted the police then went
- out to look for him himself. But by the time the police joined in
- the search, Hawkins had also disappeared. Two of the native
- police trackers entered one of the caves. ONLY ONE OF THEM CAME
- OUT. He was so unnerved by what seemed to have been an experience
- of terror that he could give no clear account of what happened to
- them both.
- "Mac even knew a white men who had penetrated the caves and lived
- to tell the tale, and produced a newspaper cutting of his story.
- It read:
- "'Armed with a revolver and a strong electric torch I stepped
- into the opening. Like other Black Mountain caverns it dipped
- steeply downwards, narrowing as it went.
- "'Suddenly I found myself facing a solid wall of rock, but to the
- right there was a passageway just large enough for me to enter in
- a stooping position. I moved along it carefully for several
- yards. The floor was fairly level, the walls of very smooth
- granite. The passage twisted this way and that, always sloping
- deeper into the earth.
- "'Presently I began to feel uneasy. A huge bat beat its wings
- against me as it passed, but I forced myself to push on. Soon my
- "'I was in total darkness. It was inky black. From somewhere that
- seemed like the bowels of the earth I could hear faint moaning of
- bats.
- "'I began to get panicky and I groped and floundered back the way
- I thought I had come. My arms and legs bleeding from bumps with
- unseen rocks. My outstretched hands clawed at space where I
- expected solid wall and floor. At one stage where I wandered into
- a side passage I came to what was undoubtedly the brink of a
- precipice, judging by the echoes.
- "'The air was FOUL and I felt increasing DIZZINESS.
- "'Terrifying thoughts were racing through my mind about giant
- rock pythons I have often seen around Black Mountain.
- "'As I crawled along, getting weaker and losing all hope of ever
- getting out alive, I saw a tiny streak of light. It gave me super
- strength to worm my way towards a small cave mouth half a mile
- from the one I had entered.
- "'Reaching the open air, I gulped in lungfulls of it and fell
- down exhausted.
- "'I found I had been underground for five hours, most of the time
- on my hands and knees. A king's ransom would not induce me to
- enter those caves again...'
- "Such are some of the weird stories told of the mountain.
- "These and the extraordinary structure of the mountain itself
- give rise to many questions, scientific and otherwise.
- "On the scientific aspect, the following comments come from a
- member of the staff of the James Cook University of North
- Queensland, Dept. of Geology, Associate Professor P.J.
- Stephenson.
- "He says, 'I have visited and climbed the mountain concerned. It
- is composed of huge granite boulders covered with black lichen.
- The complete black surface coating may be uncommon but the
- boulder pile is less so. Near Chillagoe and at several other
- localities in north Queensland similar phenomena exist.
- "'The occurrences are somewhat puzzling because of their relative
- rarity. However, they must have been produced by rapid erosion of
- the 'skeletal' soil profile. Many soil profiles contain fresh
- rock 'kernels' in them and removal of the soil component would
- produce a boulder pile. But such removal takes place so slowly
- the 'kernels' also weather completely...'
- "There are still some practical questions to ask, however.
- "What really did happen to those people who at various times in
- the last hundred years, have been said to disappear, vanish
- without a trace?
- "...Any party that decides to unravel the mystery of the mountain
- will need to be very carefully organized and equipped to meet any
- hazard, likely or unlikely -- not forgetting the possibility of
- meeting a very real python. CR: Simpson."
- "In his detailed report on the Maury Island UFO (incident) of 1947, Kenneth
- Arnold also describes meeting a small, dark foreign looking man who was
- tinkering with the motor on a beat-up boat in TACOMA HARBOR. Ray Palmer,
- editor of 'AMAZING STORIES' in Chicago, had commissioned Arnold to
- investigate the puzzling Maury Island affair, which began when a
- 'donut-shaped object' (according to other sources, one of six such craft
- seen at the time - Branton) had rained 'slag' onto a boat near Maury
- Island. Pieces of that slag had killed a dog aboard the boat and slightly
- injured a boy, the son of Harold Dahl, who was piloting it. Early the next
- morning, according to Dahl's story, a 1947 Buick drove up to his home and a
- black-suited man of medium height visited him. This man, Dahl said, recited
- in detail everything that had happened the day before AS IF HE HAD BEEN
- THERE. Then he warned Dahl not to discuss his sighting to anyone, hinting
- that if he did there might be unpleasant repercussions which would affect
- him and his family. Since Dahl and the others had not yet told anyone of
- their sighting, and since UFOs were still publicly unknown (Arnold's
- sighting over Mount Rainier and the attendant publicity did not occur until
- three days later), Dahl was naturally nonplused by his strange visitor.
- This was the first modern MIB report (although Edward John might
- disagree... - Branton).
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